Adventures of the Mr. and Mrs. buying a house… and creating a home

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

The Good Life Indeed!

Hello and welcome to my blog "The Good Life"!  I am thrilled to finally have my very own blog! I actually have been thinking about starting a blog for the past two years (ever since Nick and I got hitched), but have put it off for several reasons.  First off, I didn't want to the pressure of "having to blog" regularly.  Secondly, I wasn't sure that my life as a new wife would be interesting enough to write about!  

Well... that all changed a few months ago (Nope... I'm not pregnant!!!!)  This past January, we started the exciting process of house hunting!  It has been a very educational, exciting, frustrating, lengthy, and wonderful process!  Yes, house hunting provokes many different emotions.  As we were going through the process, I thought about how fun it would be to blog about our experiences and thoughts.  

I am thrilled to announce that as of Wednesday, July 18, 2012, Nick and I became HOMEOWNERS!  We couldn't be more thrilled.  It has been something we have talked about since we have dated... and now it is here!  It has been a great growing experience for us to set a goal of saving, saving, saving for a house.   Sometimes, it meant sacrificing fun things or toys, but for an end goal that was SO worth it.  

For me, it goes back longer than the two years Nick and I have been married.  When I graduated from grad school at Pepperdine, my parents graciously said I could live at home while I started my teaching career.  Little did they know... I ended up living with them for three years!  If you knew my parents... you wouldn't blame me.  Not only are they fun and amazing... they eat delicious gourmet food nightly!!  Couldn't pass that up!!  Anyhow, during this time, I was able to live for free and save my money.  From the time I received my first teaching paycheck, my goal was to save for a HOUSE.  As you can see, this has been a long time dream and goal of mine.  

I have been pinching myself that it is all real.  Not only did we buy a house... we bought a house in my favorite part of Santa Rosa, an area called Bennett Valley.  It is the perfect family home; one that we won't grow out of anytime soon.  It has a lovely backyard, an indoor laundry room, and a huge kitchen!  I could go on and on!

Well, that is probably enough rambling for my first post.  This blog will be more of a "journal" for Nick and I to look back on so that we can see how our new house becomes our home.  I hope you check back often to read about our renovations, progress, and adventures!

 A very happy Ashley signing loan documents! Signing loan docs really wasn't as long and tedious as I was expecting... maybe my excitement helped :)
Nick signing loan docs!  We were laughing because even though we had to write the date on every page, he kept looking at his watch to get the date.  Funny how habits work!
                                              The happy, homeowner couple!!  Yay!!


  1. Congrats guys! So excited for you! What a great idea to blog about your new home. I can't wait to read about your adventures and see pictures of your very own home!

  2. Thank you Jen! It's going to be fun!!

  3. I love following blogs and I'm SO happy that my next one to follow is yours!!! And for a fabulous reason-your HOME!!

    1. Thanks Morgan!! We are so thrilled! Glad you are going to "follow" me :)
