Adventures of the Mr. and Mrs. buying a house… and creating a home

Saturday, September 8, 2012

My Other "Home"

Well, I am sure you are wondering what has happened to the Klaus' new home project.  It might seem like we have fallen off the face of Earth.  The good news is that we are still around.  Our house is still around.  The big issue is that we have been SWAMPED!!  

However, those of you who know me well are probably not surprised.  It's September!!!  Hello brand new school year!!  I knew that our home project would drastically slow down once the school year began.  Life went from 0mph (sleeping in until 8:30, walking Spring Lake, shopping, trying new recipes, hanging with friends) to 90mph (full-day trainings, planning for a new first grade class, moving out of our condo, moving into our temporary home... more on that later).  Needless to say, it's been busy!  But, busy is a good thing.  We are thankful for fabulous jobs and a full, fun life.  

Since I have been sharing our NEW home with you, I thought I would share my OTHER home with you too!  My classroom.  Have a mentioned that I LOVE my job??  I can't imagine a different career.  Even though teaching demands a lot of me physically and emotionally, it is the most rewarding, special job in the world.  

I love the beginning of the school year.  I get to meet new children and families.  I get to setup my classroom and pick a new theme!  It's the best.  

So, without further ado, here is what I have been up to!!

Welcome to my First Grade Western Classroom!  Yee-haw!

                                           The entrance to the classroom! Howdy!

                                                                 Our writing wall

                                           Another view of the writing wall.
                Our "Cowboy Calendar" area.  Calendar is a big deal in first grade!
              Our special person of the week is called the "Sheriff of the Week".

                                             Our behavior management board.

Our Treasures reading board.  I post all of our phonics and grammar patterns for the week on this board.
                                                              Our "job" board!

 One of our projects from the first week of the school.  We spend a lot of time bonding and learning how to become a "Classroom Family".

 Gotta love cuddles and hugs from former students!  (Don't worry, Mom gave me permission to post a pic of this lovely student!)

                                                  Our awesome western door!

 It's going to be a fabulous school year.  The kids are amazing.  The parents are fabulous.  Each year I pinch myself because of how wonderful my job is.... I am SO blessed!!!

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