Adventures of the Mr. and Mrs. buying a house… and creating a home

Saturday, October 11, 2014

October Fun

One of my favorite things about having a child is that I get to relive childhood through her.  

We recently brought Hayley to the pumpkin patch!  Although she is still young and unable to participate in the majority of activities, we still had a blast!  Plus, she wore her Batgirl onesie.  And... it has a cape.  Doesn't get much better than that!

Warning: Photo overload!

 On top of the world... or rather, a huge pumpkin!
 Hanging out in a sea of corn

 Happy October!

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

8 Months!

8 Months

This has been a huge month for Miss Hayley!  She is on the go and is very determined to to get from point A to B.  The more independent and mobile she is, the happier she is.  She also has become really funny and entertaining and she knows it!  Nick and I spend most of the evening on the floor with her laughing.  

We sure do love this girl.  We are in the best season of our lives. 

 As my Dad always says, "These are the good old days."  

18 pounds
Hazel eyes
Cruises by holding onto furniture
Eats all solids
Has five teeth
Waves at people
Imitates mom and dad
Happy most of the time
Doesn't like long car rides
Loves being outside

Check out those chompers! 

 Standing in her crib.... 

 Look at me, Mom!

 Dancing with Nana!

Attending her first wedding!

Meeting some of her cousins (there are LOTS of them!)

Hanging with Momma at work

My Gym!

Who needs toys?

Daddy's outfit choice!

Trying eggs for the first time

Showing off her pearly whites!

This is how Hayley spends the majority of her day!