I'm amazed by the amount of confidence I've gained in such a short amount of time. The first week that I was a mom, I was nervous and uncomfortable. I felt awkward picking up my baby and I wondered if I was doing things "right".
Since then, I have realized that there is no "right" way. My baby and I have figured out what is right for us, and there is something really magical and special about that. We're in this together. The best part is the fact that she thinks I'm amazing... and it's simply because I'm HER momma.
The following is a list of things I want to remember. It's a list that I will probably need to refer to whenever baby #2 comes around!
*Cook freezer meals ahead of time. You will thank yourself later.
*Accept help from family and friends.
*God gave you intuition. Listen to it. It's generally right on the mark.
*What works for one person, won't necessarily work for you or your baby. Listen, try it, and then try something else if need be!
*Take lots of pictures.
*It's okay if your house is not perfect. It's a season, and your time is better spent watching your beautiful baby sleep in your arms!
*Everyone tells you it goes by fast. They are right. Enjoy each day.
*The first 12 weeks are tough! The colic stage will pass.
*Everyone will tell you to sleep when the baby sleeps. It's okay that it's impossible for you to do that!
*Record a few good TV shows. You will spend lots of time on the couch holding a sleeping baby.
*You will learn how to function on very little sleep.
*Go get a massage. Your shoulders will love you after all that lifting and nursing!
*You will fall in love with your husband ten times over. Remember to tell him how much you appreciate him.
*You will break every "rule". Bring your baby into your bed, cover your baby
with a blanket, have a glass of wine.... it's okay.
*Your body is amazing. Appreciate it!
*Take a shower everyday. It will help you to feel normal and awake!
*Do what feels right to you. Everyone has different ideas how to do things. Do what feels right for your family.
*It's okay to wear sweat pants.
*Your jeans will fit again. However, they won't fit the same way. It's okay. You made a baby and that is a miracle.
*Celebrate the little victories. (i.e.: Baby slept a 3.5 hour stretch opposed to the usual 3 hour stretch! Progress!!!)
*Most importantly, thank the Lord for all He has blessed you with. You were chosen to be this child's mother. Lean on Him during those long, tiring days. He will carry you through and bless you! He created you for this job. What a privilege!
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