DONE... there are little random things that still need to be done. From what I hear, that is the story of owning a home!
We are half moved in. It's pretty exciting to see our dining room table set up, our mattress in our bedroom, and opening cupboards to see all our organized stuff!
There are still things that have to happen though. Things that my studly husband worked on accomplishing this weekend. He is an absolute rock star, by the way. He worked on the house for nine hours Saturday, eleven hours Sunday, and then got up and went to real work today. Not a complaint, no mumble grumble... (well maybe a little grumble at the alarm clock).
Dream. Come. True. Man. Thank you Jesus for giving ME this incredible man!
Here are a few snapshots of this past weekend.
Sweet little sister helping me unpack and organize! Love her!
Hello washing machine! Is it strange that I just love my washer/dryer?!
Hopefully this was our LAST major purchase for awhile. We are both sick of buying stuff!
This is how Nick spent 75% of his weekend. For the record, plumbing is NOT fun.
New garbage disposal! Yay!
Testing the new faucet! Gotta love the hose through the window; super classy!
Wanna hear a secret?? We can technically move-in now. Maybe we are dragging our feet a little. Time is a factor... We need a large chunk of TIME to move our furniture in.
You caught me. The real reason? Both of us have said how sad we are
to leave the 'rents house. Nick says he will miss the social aspect...
someone is always home. He has really enjoyed hanging out with my Dad
in the garage talking about whatever it is that men discuss, talking to
Mom in the kitchen while she cooks, and learning about their favorite
Zinfandels. It's been so fun for me to see the deep relationship that
the three of them have formed.
I will miss the familiarity. I love being with my family, even at 28.
The past five months here hasn't changed that.... in fact, I appreciate
it even more now.
We will move in. Don't ask me when. The truth is, I don't know when. And honestly... I'm not too concerned about it anymore. It'll happen in good time, and it'll be perfect!
Oh it looks awesome!!