Adventures of the Mr. and Mrs. buying a house… and creating a home

Saturday, September 13, 2014

7 Months

7 Months

It's been a busy, full of changes month for our family!  Hayley is on the move and we are right behind her trying to keep up!  This month she she discovered that she is capable of being mobile by scooting on her belly.  She is FAST!  In fact, she has become so fast and efficient that she formed a big, raw blister on her big toe.  Shoes are now a part of her daily attire!

Nick took a four week paternity leave during the month of August.  Best idea ever!  The two of them had a ball together and it was fun to see Hayley become  so attached to Daddy.  They went on a lot of adventures together.  They took a two week swim lesson course at our local pool (not really "swimming", but more about playing and being comfortable in the water) and they took daily walks to our favorite bakery.  

The school year started and I went back to work full time.  It's definitely been a big transition and there were a few bumps along the road that we didn't see coming.  However, things have smoothed out and we are all getting used to our new normal.  I am thankful that I only work 180 days a year and that we have lots of week breaks and a long summer to look forward to.  We are also so thankful for our wonderful nanny, my incredible parents, and my amazing sister, Emily.  Don't know what we would do without them! 

17.5 pounds
Grayish/hazel eyes
Scoots on her belly
Pulls herself up to standing with ease
Eats cheese, fruits, and veggies
Loves drinking water
Has one tooth
Talks and babbles loudly
Loves the American flag
Sleeps 12 hours a night (2 feeds)
Tiny bit of blonde hair
Loves going on swings
Doesn't like diaper changes/getting dressed

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