Adventures of the Mr. and Mrs. buying a house… and creating a home

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Waiting Game

Waiting is hard!  Especially when you've been waiting nine full months!

It's completely worth the wait in the end.  I also know that as soon as she is here, this long wait won't seem so bad!  

In the meantime, I'm trying to keep busy!  I've watched lots of movies, gone for walks, tried all the labor-inducting methods, slept, cleaned, shopped,  gone out for lunch dates, and nested.  

And, I'm deleting/ignoring my pregnancy apps.  I'm pretty aware of my daily count at this point ;)

She'll come and it'll be on the perfect day!  

                                                                          Can't wait!

1 comment:

  1. Yes, it will be a perfect day because she will be perfect and you guys have been chosen the parents who are perfect for her! The wait is nearly over!! So happy for you.
