Adventures of the Mr. and Mrs. buying a house… and creating a home

Saturday, August 17, 2013

IT'S A.......

The big day finally arrived!!!  We had been counting down the days until the big gender reveal ultrasound.  

It took the ultrasound technician no time at all to determine the gender because our little one was a big wiggle worm!!  Baby was very active... and the only sugar I had eaten all day was a nectarine hours before.  Maybe it was excited that we were checking it out and it was showing us all it's new tricks like bending joints and waving??  

Well, the big moment came and we found out that it is a....


We are so excited to have a daughter!  She already has captured both of our hearts and we can't wait to meet her!  

We were having a dinner party at our house that evening, so we decided to throw in a little "gender reveal" portion as well!  

Note: To all of you who have been asking why I have been waiting so long to tell you the gender (the ultrasound was on Monday), I have a great answer.  It was really important to us to tell both of our parents in person!  We have since done so (balloons with my family and cupcakes with pink frosting inside for Nick's family)!  Sorry about the lag time ;)

Thursday, August 15, 2013


Week 17 was my favorite week of pregnancy so far... besides the week that I found out I was pregnant!  

Remember when I previously mentioned how I THOUGHT I would wake up on the first day of my second trimester and feel perfect?!  Well, for me, it didn't happen until the first day of my 17th week!  Nausea GONE.  I mean, vanished!  In fact, I started feeling so great, that I had a few moments of: Baby?? Are you still in there??  Hello??  Needless to say, I am SO thankful.  I am especially thankful that it decided to go away two weeks before school starts up again.  I was starting to have nightmares of 2+2=.. excuse me while I puke into the trashcan.... 4.  

My belly is definitely a belly at this point, which is exciting.  I like the fact that I can still hide it or show it off... depending on how I feel that day.  Pretty soon there will be no more hiding it!

Another exciting development during Weeks 17 and 18 was feeling the baby move.  It started as little flutters, almost like a little butterfly flying around in my belly.  What a miracle!  

The next few weeks are bound to be wild since school is beginning.  I am looking forward to meeting my new bunch of first graders and starting a new year.  I am also nervous about all the changes that will take place this year... like maternity leave and trying to sit criss-cross apple sauce while being nine months pregnant!  It's bound to be an adventure!

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Our Favorite Thumb-Sucker in the Whole World

Second trimester, second trimester... woohoo, yah, yah!  That was my little second trimester song and dance!  

This was a huge milestone for me.  I didn't feel comfortable telling anyone (other than those closest to Nick and I) that we were expecting before the second trimester.  Of course, those closest to us were anxious for the world to know the big secret!  Surprisingly, I really enjoyed my little 14 week secret.  I felt like I was holding onto a special secret and I really cherished those weeks.  However, the fourth of July seemed like the perfect day to share our celebratory news with the world.  The kind words and response was overwhelming!  Talk about feeling LOVED and supported!  

During this week, we had an ultrasound scheduled.  I was counting down the days until this appointment because we hadn't seen the baby on screen since week nine, and I knew that the growth was going to be substantial.  It was incredible!  At first, baby was laying on his/her tummy!  The technician poked and prodded and tried to get baby to flip over... but it took a LONG time!  You could tell that baby was a little annoyed at the disturbing movements invading it's space!  

                             Upside down and quite content to stay just so!

Once baby flipped over, he/she started sucking it's thumb!  Talk about MELTING.OUR.HEARTS. Completely in love with this child.  I can't imagine how much that love will grow once we actually meet him/her.  

I was amazed at how completely and perfectly formed the baby is at this stage of pregnancy.  Measuring a mere three inches, the baby already can make facial expressions (frown, squint) and act like a baby (suck thumb, wiggle and move).  It's not just a blob of cells.  It's a tiny, living person who grows at an incredible rate.  Miraculous.  

I was still sick at 14 weeks pregnant.  I really thought I was going to wake up on the first day of my second trimester and feel perfect.  The good news is that my nausea didn't last ALL day anymore, but rather just half the day.  I'll take it!  Improvement is improvement.  Since my afternoons were easier, I started going back to the gym to do some light cardio and weights.  It felt so great and helped me to feel like "me" again.  

Flowy shirts and comfy yoga pants became my best friend this week.  My regular clothes still fit, but they are uncomfortable!  I guess some shopping is in my near future!  Friends who have been recently pregnant: Any great recommendations for maternity clothes?  Which shops/items did you love?