Adventures of the Mr. and Mrs. buying a house… and creating a home

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Little Things

Now that we are moved into our house and feeling settled, it's the little things that are keeping us busy! You know, dotting the i's and crossing the t's!  I thought I'd share a few random pictures of our life lately with you!

 Finally!  A dishwasher!  After going two months without a dishwasher, I have a brand new respect and love for the fabulous machine!

Our dishwasher is from Costco... yay for Costco rebate checks!

We finally have hooks for our bath towel and a toilet paper roll!  It's the little things that make a difference in day to day life.

Spring break gave me time to organize my life... and all the closets in my house!  Now my coffee grinder and dutch oven have an organized home.

Excited that spring has arrived.  I am thrilled to have an actual garden!  Next weekend I plan on planting these unique varieties of cucumbers and tomatoes!  

This photo might seem odd or insignificant... but, it was a great moment and I had to capture it!!  One of the first Giants games of the season was on, I had a delicious glass of Sauvignon Blanc in hand, booty was parked on our new, comfy couch, feet were up after a long day, and my lovely husband was sitting right next to me.  In that moment... I felt that I was truly HOME.  What is it about the Giants season that just makes everything in the world seem right again??  I don't know, but I sure do love April-October for that very reason!

Life is good!

Thursday, April 4, 2013


Want to hear a secret?  

Blogging has been tough for me lately!  There, I said it.  Why, you might ask.  Well, first off, I should start by telling you that I am a first-born, perfectionist, who likes everything "just-so".  I plan, I organize, and I analyze.  I recognize that life isn't always "just-so" and sometimes it's good to let go and let life happen.  I'm not perfect when it comes to that last statement, but luckily for me, I have a husband who has helped me greatly in that area.  I also find that the older I get, the easier it is to prioritize and let go. 

Back to my house.  My house is lovely, gorgeous, stunning... it's MY home.  I absolutely love it.  But, quite frankly, it is definitely still a work in a progress!  That's okay with me in my day to day life, but sharing my work in progress has been tough!  I started thinking about blogging and how it's been hard for me to find motivation to share.  I decided that it would be beneficial for me to take a step out of my comfort zone and get over it. 

Done, half done, undone, perfect, imperfect, and REAL!  

Now that I have processed with you and let you into my brain, let's get to it!

Want to see our bedroom?  It's not complete, the walls are bare, and it's great!  It's cozy and such a great place to relax after a long day.  

The view when entering the bedroom.

My dresser.  

The collage above my dresser.  I made this a few weeks ago.  It's a collage of some of my favorite photos from our wedding.  I absolutely love all the good memories that it holds and the fact that I get to see them on a daily basis.

Our bed and nightstands.  I still need some pretty, decorative pillows to help the overall appearance of the bed... but hey, in good time ;)

This melts my heart!  Nick still has this frame that I had given him when we were dating... from probably about five years ago.  Since we dated long-distance for awhile, I would always write little post-its and leave them around his room so that he would find them once I had gone.  The best part... that he has kept the little post-it notes!  

 This is a painting we are going to hang on a wall in our room.  It's special because it was painted DURING our wedding ceremony.  The picture doesn't do it justice... it's so beautiful!

  I figured I should show you the actual day it was painted!  Best day of my life!  
                                                         Thanks Allison and Lori!!

Hmm... Looking at pictures of my wedding makes me want to do a blog post about my wedding now....!!
ANYWAYS, back to our bedroom: 
                                            View of the bathroom from our bed.

Our view of the backyard from the bedroom window.  Have a mentioned that I love our backyard?  

                                                   Well, that's it folks....
                         Not completely finished, yet perfect for this day in time!