Adventures of the Mr. and Mrs. buying a house… and creating a home

Monday, March 31, 2014

2 Months

Hayley Joy is two months old!

How did this happen?!  It's hard to remember life before Hayley was here with us... and at the same time, these past two months have flown by.

This girl.  Wow, she has absolutely captured our hearts.  It is fun to see her personality start to emerge.  She is extremely observant and aware of her surroundings.  She loves being held and cuddled and is quick to tell you when she is unhappy.  There is definitely a little bit of feisty in her.  

Her smile is captivating!  Nick and I spend a large chunk of our night making sounds and faces in order to see that amazing smile.  Lucky for us, she smiles often!  

Can you tell that she lights up our world?   

12.0 pounds
23 inches long
Grayish blue eyes
6-8 diaper changes a day
Loves her pacifier
Smiles often
Laughs in her sleep
Bats at hanging toys on her play mat
Kicks legs
Can bear weight on her legs 
Sleeps one 5 hour chunk at night
Hates her crib
Blows spit bubbles
Happiest first thing in the morning

Hayley during month two:

Her favorite way to sleep is with her hands in her face.  She did this in all her ultrasound photos as well.

Happy baby.  She loves being surrounded by blankets.

 If I let her, she would nap on my belly ALL DAY LONG.  I enjoy it too... so we have spent a lot of days in this position.  

 Hayley loves stretching!  She spends the first couple minutes after waking up stretching her arms and legs.  It's quite adorable.   

 She's perfected the furrowed eyebrow.  She inherited that feature from her mother!  
 Tummy time is her least favorite time of the day.  This is the only time she has ever smiled during it!
She loves Batman, just like her daddy.  Yes, her outfit has a cape.

Monday, March 10, 2014

It Takes a Village

Hayley is a blessed little girl!  We had lots of visitors during her first few weeks at home.  

During the past year, we have realized just how blessed our little family is.  We are surrounded by incredible people!  Between the multiple baby showers, visitors, phone calls, texts, and emails, we certainly have felt the love!  

Thank you!  

                              Papa Paul, Nana Lily, Auntie Cristina, and Auntie Emily

                                                               Auntie Emily

Auntie Cristina

                                                        Grandma Karolee

                                                                   Uncle Chris

                                                                   Aunt Jenifer


                                                             Heather and Eden



                                                                Great Uncle Al

Great Aunt Carolyn

There are a handful of other people who have come by too!  Unfortunately, I didn't always remember to snag a photo.  Thank you to everyone who has loved our little family of three so well!  We are thankful for each one of you.